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During my Freshman year of high school, my interest in investing started to increase more and more. During the summer of 2020, I fell into a rabbit hole, researching the fundamentals of investing. Up until today, my knowledge expands from stocks, bonds, economics, technical anaylsis, and even the derivatives market. So much so that I founded Tigers in the Money, a club educating high schoolers about the fundamentals and technicals of the stock market. I became passionate about economics and am open to applying my Cybersecurity degree from Stevens Institute of Technology in the finance sector.

sus energy

It was my environmental science teacher, Ms. Darakjy, who introduced me to Elon Musk. Showing the Falcon 9 rocket self-land, the entire class seemed disinterested. However, I felt inspired to know more about rockets and their reusable attributes. I then discovered Tesla, which opened up another rabbit hole. I became obsessed with environmental science and started to learn the ins and outs of Tesla Inc. I now have a deep understanding of the company's fundamentals, and even their engineering.


During the summer of 2022, I clicked on a video on my recommendations page on YouTube. Little did I know, the video from freecodecamp.org about Solidity would open up a door to a trending sector in finance: blockchain. Conceptually, blockchain seems very applicable to the real world; so I began. I developed a simple withdraw/deposit system in Solidity and tested my code in the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) via Remix IDE. Whether it be working at a tech company, or finding one of my own, I will love nothing more than to contribute to the mass utilization of blockchain.